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How To Protect Yourself Against COVID-19

As you already know, the OMS declared a few days ago that the new COVID-19 is a pandemic. This means that the virus is spread all over the world and the best thing you can do is to stay at home for as much as you can. This will allow you to prevent social contacts and interactions preventing the virus from spreading more. 

However, and despite this social isolation, it is important to keep in mind that you still need to go out occasionally. No matter if you need to buy some groceries, go to the pharmacy or simply walk your dog, you may need to get out of your home. So, it's important that you know how to protect yourself against COVID-19.

How To Protect Yourself Against COVID-19

#1: Wash Your Hands Frequently:

One of the best preventing measures that OMS keeps talking about is that you should wash your hands frequently. 

You should make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly with water and soap and then rub them with an alcohol-based solution. This will allow you to kill viruses that might be on your hands. 

#2: Maintain Social Distance:

According to OMS, you should try to maintain a social distance of at least 1 meter or 3 feet. So, when you need to go to the grocery store that there is a line, you should maintain the distance no matter if the person near you looks healthy or if he or she is sneezing or coughing. 

In case they are sneezing or coughing, maintaining social distance is ever more important. The truth is that they spray small liquid droplets that might contain the virus. 

#3: Avoid Touching Your Face, Especially Your Mouth, Nose, And Eyes:

While you don't usually pay attention to this, the reality is that we keep touching our faces. However, this is something that it is better to avoid doing now with the COVID-19 pandemic. After all, hands touch many different surfaces and they may pick up viruses. So, in case there are any viruses and you touch your face with your hands, then you will immediately transfer the virus to your mouth, nose, and eyes. 

#4: Practice Respiratory Hygiene:

When you need to go out, or even when you are home, you need to ensure that when you need to cough or sneeze, you do it covering both your mouth and nose with a tissue or your bent elbow. In case you use a tissue, you should dispose of it immediately. 

Bottom Line

By adopting all these preventing measures at home or when you need to go out will ensure that you are preventing COVID-19 to spread out. You will be able not only to protect yourself as well as to protect others near you. 

Dennis jenkins